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'A Web-based Educational Setting Supporting Individualized Learning, Collaborative Learning and Assessment by Agoritsa Gogoulou, Evangelia Gouli, Maria Grigoriadou, Maria Samarakou and Dionisia Chinou'

This article focused on changing learning styles from an individual and objective view, to a more socially constructive view. A web-based educational setting is used, and it is called SCALE (Supporting Collaboration and Adaptation in a Learning Environment). There are three main principles of SCALE. One utilizes a framework that moves individual learning to a collaborative learning concept. The other principles put emphasis on the importance of suggestions and instructions from the teacher. The last principle emphasizes how the instruction and feedback should be specific to each individual’s characteristics. The results from the study seemed to be highly favored by the students who participated in the study. The results also showed that SCALE could be utilized in real classroom conditions.

'Cutting the distance in distance education: Perspectives on what promotes positive, online learning experiences by E.C. Boling, , M. Hough, H. Krinsky, H. Saleem, M. Stevens'

Recent studies have shown a dramatic increase in online and distance learning courses in colleges in universities. This study explored whether or not these online classes were deemed effective by both students and teachers. Course content, tasks, and pedagogical approaches were all examined during the study. A cognitive apprenticeship model was used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that students enjoyed the community social exchange of the online courses as well as the real world assignments. A least favorite thing was how some group activities had members who lacked involvement. Students did not like how certain social environments could directly hinder their grade.

'Fading Scripts in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: The Role of Distributed Monitoring by Christof Wecker and Frank Fischer'

Fading is the reduction of external support so that self-directed performance of skills to be acquired. Cognitively-oriented researchers sees fading as important because it encourages learning how to retrieve knowledge. In order to practice the retrieval of knowledge one must reduce informational content of prompts. Fading is important in scaffolding as it is necessary for support to gradually fade, so that leaners can learn to do difficult tasks on their own, so skills are acquired. So it is said that there should be support in the beginning, but teaching the students the acquired skills to fully be able to take over on their own. It was seen that those who had distributed monitoring along with fading performed better than those who only had fading.


Students in beginning computer programming classes seem to struggle a lot because of the high amount of information thrown at them. The cognitive apprenteship model is used in order to bridge the learning gap. The cognitive apprenticeship model allows student to not only learn the techniques in the classroom, but also observe the process of how an expert starts the building process of codes, when to use certain techniques, and how to trouble shoot their code. This helps students develop proficiency. This also helps create an environment of learning under the control of the student and not just the teacher. The student then becomes an active learning, which is very beneficial.

'Student teacher communication and performance during a clinical experience supported by a technology-enhanced cognitive apprenticeship by Theodore J. Kopchaa, , , Christianna Algerb'

This study explores technology enhanaced cognitive apprenticeship (TECA). TECA utilizes a variety of different technologies such as videos, discussion boards, and community supports. The study examined the performance of those utilizing TECA and those who did not. The results showed that overall TECA has a beneficial effect on students and teachers. The private based discussion board also enhanced communication. The results also suggested that each teacher’s situation is different, and there is a standard technology to use.

--Claudia 19:35, 30 November 2014 (UTC)

'Article: Computer science apprenticeship: creating support for intermediate computer science students by Shabo, Amnon, Mark, Guzdial, and John, Stasko '

This article explores the misconceptions of intermediate computer science courses. Intermediate students do not always have the knowledge needed to use expert level tools, but their knowledge surpasses the need to use novices that are already used.

The article explores different approaches to improve the intermediate computer science environment. The ideal intermediate computer science class should be thought of as a cognitive apprenticeship. The researchers hope to provide students with access to useful library sources, intelligent support for how to use relevant resources, and learning communities where students can collaboratively learn and help each other.

The approach that is being looked into is broken down into four main parts. These four parts include interactive notes module, a collaborative learning environment, a case library, and problem solving activities. This approach will hopefully benefit the class, and form a computerized framework for learning on the web.

--Claudia 22:46, 24 November 2014 (UTC)

'Article: Collaborative technologies for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM): Sociology of science and knowledge, holistic systems engineering, and systems thinking by K.W., Jones, D., Kristof, L.C., Jenkins, J., Ramsey, D., Patrick, S., Burnham and I.L., Turner'

This paper addressed that there is an insufficient number of young people majoring in STEM related fields. The paper also suggests that those who do choose a career within the STEM field, they tend to graduate under-qualified for professional positions. A lot of professionals are suggesting that students need to learn more math and more science, but in reality systemic thinking needs to be implemented instead.

This study was done to explore the need for efficient, interactive and inter-operative, application, and learner centered collaborative technologies. These technologies will be used to implement cognitive apprenticeship.

The study explored systemic thinking, which pushes students to imagine and think about solving problems according to how parts interact separately and together. The holistic systems engineering explores the needs of students to relate to collaborative technologies, and how it affects and differientates teams that are successful, from those who are less successful.

STEM related fields do not appeal to women and underrepresented minorities of the youth. The continuation of the way that these STEM fields are taught will not boost the interest in these fields, and the use of Collaborative technologies, HSE, and systemic thinking will help implement cognitive apprenticeship, and peak the interest of everyone involved.

--Claudia 22:46, 24 November 2014 (UTC)

'Article: Integrating software process in computer science curriculum by J.E. Sims-Knight'

This article explored the computer science curriculum and how it can be improved so that it is more affective in software programing. Software programming requires the use of planning, evaluating, and monitoring the processes of a project. There are three parts to the computer science curriculum that was described in the article. The parts are instructions in programming, instructions in mathematical bases of computing, and capstone courses in software engineering.

There are some issues with these three parts of the curriculum that can be improved upon. A lot of times it is focused on how a student creates a program, but students need to be taught to think about the “how” of creating the program. When it comes to instructions in mathematical bases of computing, it is thought that knowledge transfers to practice. But this thought process is indeed wrong when it comes to today’s society. Students need to taught when and how to apply solutions to these problems. Lastly the capstone courses, appear to be unrealistic and extremely hard to get done within the time constraints. The time is not sufficient enough to develop the complex cognitive skills required for a software engineer career. The class sometimes harms the student as they create bad habits in order to finish the project on time.

For this study software process activities were developed. Students utilized practices of postmortem analysis and measurable planning, so that they could gain control over the program development activities. Cognitive Apprenticeship methods were used so that the students could not only gain understanding but also know how to apply what they have learned.

These activities seemed to have positively affected the students in the computer science course. Students gained the ability to attend to the issues of process in their every day work and then incorporate those lessons into their practices. Students were able to excel in a how-to knowledge environment, and they were willing to actively participate, because they had support to help them develop their skills.

--Claudia 22:46, 24 November 2014 (UTC)

'Article: Using online tools for communication and collaboration: Understanding educators' experiences in an online course by Erica C. Boling, Erica Holan, Brent Horbatt, Mary Hough, Jennifer Jean-Louis, Chesta Khurana, Hindi Krinsky, and Christina Spiezio'

This article explained that there is an increasing growth in online learning at colleges and universities. More and more universities are encouraging the use of the web, and more and more universities are offering online classes. The purpose of the articles was to explore the experiences in online courses, as well as see how the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model impacted the experience of those participating in the online class. Two questions were addressed in this article. The first question was “What methods of instruction, supported educators in learning how to use technology to support online communication and collaboration in their respective fields of study?” The second question was what evidence exists to show that these methods of instruction had a positive impact on the students?”

The article explains that the Cognitive Apprenticeship model presents students with tasks that more difficult than a student can handle independently. The difficulty of the task will force students to get help from their peers and instructors in order to excel. This is done so that content can be brought out in the open. It encourages students to observe and practice. The CAM model has four dimensions, which are content, method, sequencing, and sociology. These methods deal with the knowledge required for expertise, the way that the knowledge is being taught and received, the order in which things are learned, and the social characteristics of the learning environment.

Through the practices of Cognitive Apprenticeship model there seemed to be a positive impact on students. Students ability to utilize technology for educational purposes increased. They were able to use online tools for better communication and collaboration, as well as use web-based tools to advance their own continued learning. The online class also impacted the way students thought. It changed how they planned and carried out their lessons. They saw how technology directly impacted their learning, and they started to utilize skills within their everyday classes.

The main complaint with the online courses explored in this article was that the communication is cold. When communicating through online services, you may not get the response or reaction you would get if you were having face to face conversation. Things can be taken out of content or misunderstood. Other than that the online course was a success, and ways to make it better have been explored. Researchers feel that making the conversation about the CAM model needs to be made more explicit. So students have a deep understanding of why those CAM models are being used. It will enable them to be more thoughtful and reflective about why they are doing the things that they are doing.

--Claudia 22:46, 24 November 2014 (UTC)

'Article: Open Education, The Long Tail, and Learning 2.0 by John Seely Brown'

This article explores how much technology and the internet have impacted the learning in today’s society. In today’s society many people are not only having one career, but they are starting to have multiple careers. With the vast change, the way we are taught in traditional schools, is no longer sufficient enough to support the possible careers students may end up having. People are being forced to obtain new knowledge and skills on a continuous basis.

The internet is useful because it has the ability to support and expand various aspects of social learning, it allows for a global platform. The internet opens up a lot of resources that are obtainable by the click of the mouse. The Open Educational Resources movement allowed for educational materials to be accessed from anywhere. This along with Web 2.0 created an ideal for supporting multiple modes of learning.

Social learning is important in regards to the new way of learning. Social learning is based on the premise that in order to fully understand content, one must have structured social conversations about the content, and have interactions involving content. The new way to think about learning is to think about it terms of “not what you learn” but “how you learn”.

Study groups have been proven to be more efficient when it comes to learning materials. Students have shown to do better when they have studied in groups rather than alone. Study groups provide for a support group or community that can come together and discuss ideas for a better understanding of the content. Similar to physical study groups there are online communities that allow for this type of support as well. These virtual communities allows for one to be a full participant in a certain field. Learning today should allow for one to observe and then emulate. Virtual communities of practice allow for people to work together to develop and maintain open source software. The virtual communities allows for one to learn the ropes.

These new ways of learning through the internet and virtual communities support active and passion based learning. The learning should have a structured foundation of what is learned in school, but also implementing more participatory practices so that the teachings are continuous and lifelong.

--Claudia 22:46, 24 November 2014 (UTC)

An Apprenticeship-based multimedia courseware for computer graphics studies provided on the world wide web' - Amnon Shabo, Mark Guzdial, and John Stasko

Scaffolding is classified into three types: Communicating the process, coaching and eliciting articulation. To computerize cognitive apprenticeship, a case library, course notes and support for collaboration in an exercise based learning environment needs to be integrated. The case library involves the knowledge and the experiences of experts to provide multiple perspectives. The support includes suggested solutions from different experts, visualization that deal with exercise concepts, presentations and links to relevant stories in the case library and course notes. As a results, students can work through exercises with extra support and also have many resources available for learning. Implementing computerized scaffolding features is referred to as Software Realized Scaffolding. There are four modules that constitute the system of computerized learning environment (Graphica) with a cognitive apprenticeship approach. These are: Interactive Notes, which contains a textbook style of knowledge; Exercise, which is a focal module of the system; a Case Library, which has the knowledge and experiences of experts in the form of technical reports and papers; and a Collaboration Support. These involve linearity of the learning activities found in various modules and learning goals. This is to support the range of activities and learning goals. The Exercises module encourages working on exercises and links to other modules through the scaffolding features as needed. The advantages of developing courseware on the World Wide Web are cross-platforming and worldwide accessibility, ease of integration of multimedia materials, and the increasingly sophisticated technologies that are available. The best advantage is the ability to collaborate with other groups developing multimedia materials for the same domain. There would be more possibilities for shared access, shared use and synergy.

For Graphica, the experiment results showed that students have mixed perceptions about the software. The opinion on how enjoyable it was, was somewhat positive. However, the opinion on how much they learned from it was somewhat negative. From the features, the exercises, visualizations and the presentation of graphic images, and the notes were the most useful components. However, the case library and ties from the exercises into case library was not successful. The apprenticeship based design approach has led to a successful multi-purpose tool. The software was used successfully for an assignment and also voluntarily for other learning activities. Collaboration was implemented through a feature of posting messages to the newsgroup.

--Fulya 22:46, 24 November 2014 (UTC)

A cognitive apprenticeship approach to engineering education: the role of learning styles - Gerard Poitras and Eric Poitras

Problem based learning (PBL) is used as a teaching approach in education that helps active learning. This is done by making the students collaboratively and independently solve ill-defined problems by deciding what needs to be known, and afterwards developing an appropriate solution. The teacher ends up taking the role of a coach and they challenge the students’ inquiries. This is very similar to coaching apprenticeship. Coaching apprenticeship involves PBL approach whilst outlining additional instructional methods for enhancing learning. When implementing this approach in one of the experiments, the results showed that students were pleased about having their own freedom to explore a problem of their choice and the challenge of identifying and gathering the information they needed to solve the problem. There was another showing that resulted with the students being uneasy about deciding for themselves what they needed and assessing the relevance of their learning and applying it to a problem. However, in both cases, the value of applying acquired knowledge to real life solutions was understood.

Coaching apprenticeship involves content, method, sequence and sociology to design a learning environment. From the first experiment, the results showed that course taught according to a cognitive apprenticeship method facilitated their learning better. They indicated that the course allowed them to better develop teamwork skills. The course was rated as including more efficient activities aimed at attaining the course objectives. There was significantly more agreement that the course aided them in developing critical analysis and logical reasoning skills. During the course, students indicated that they asked the tutor more questions. Students accomplished learning activities which required them to consult information from various sources significantly more often. From the second experiment, the results showed that the course led students to develop better teamwork skills. Students also asked questions more often and failures to prepare for classes by reading the relevant course material occur less frequently. It was also more efficient in teaching and learning. In general, the cognitive apprenticeship method was rated as of better quality than the traditional method.

Results of the two experiments showed that the cognitive apprenticeship approach used was effective and favored by most of the students, regardless of their preferred learning style. Usually the effective learning requirements of students’ preferred learning styles are associated with the teaching method used. However, the cognitive apprenticeship method did not favor any learning styles. This study suggests that the cognitive apprenticeship approach fits a broader range of preferred styles, thus contributing to building an optimal learning environment that meets the requirements of every student.

--Fulya 22:46, 24 November 2014 (UTC)

A Cognitive Apprenticeship Approach to Facilitating Web-based Collaborative Problem Solving - Fan-Ray Kuo, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Szu-Chuang Chen, and Chen Sherry Y.

This study examines the effects of human factors on problem solving effectiveness in the cognitive apprenticeship model. Cognitive apprenticeship has been reported to be effective in promoting students’ high order thinking, cognitive skills and oral presentation abilities. For this study, a cognitive apprenticeship approach for conducting inquiry based collaborative learning activities is proposed.

Synder, found that the cognitive apprenticeship students showed significantly better problem solving performance. Researchers found that the cognitive apprenticeship model was helpful to elementary school students in promoting their cognitive skills and causal reasoning ability in a science course. Liu revealed that the course based on the web-based cognitive apprenticeship model improved pre-service teachers’ performance and attitudes towards instructional planning more effectively. Hwang et al. further indicated that the cognitive apprenticeship model was helpful to graduate students in promoting their learning efficiency and effectiveness in performing complex science experiments.

There is also a problem that come from conducting such a complex instructional activity. This is due to the difficulty of providing one-to-one cognitive apprenticeship-based learning. Middle- and low-achieving students are unlikely to experience in-depth cognitive development without sufficient supports from their teachers or peers.

Collaborative learning has been recognized as being a highly potential way of assisting students in dealing with complex problems. According to social development theory, students can improve their cognitive skills via collaborative interactions with more competent partners. Many positive results have demonstrated the importance of collaborative learning. Li reported the effectiveness of group work in promoting students’ critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, social skills and self-esteem. Researchers have indicated that collaborative learning often leads to better learning outcomes. Researchers found that students’ problem-solving abilities could be significantly enhanced by using computer supported collaborative learning strategies. However, researchers also say that positive benefits do not automatically happen in a collaborative learning environment unless an instructional design is provided.

Cognitive style has a significant effect on learners’ information seeking because it influences the way individuals collect, analyze, evaluate, and interpret information. In this experiment, a web based searching behavior analyzing system called Meta-Analyzer was used. The study investigates the problem solving abilities of Field Independent and Field Dependent students. FD students have a tendency to undertake global and passive learning strategies, since they are influenced by format structure and need salient cues in learning. FI students rely more on internal references and are less affected by format-structure in learning. FI students prefer to employ analytical and active learning approaches. Students’ learning performance could be determined by matched or mismatched conditions based on their cognitive styles. It can be seen from the research results that FD students are suitable for the cognitive apprenticeship model with collaborative learning strategy, while FI students prefer the cognitive apprenticeship model without the collaborative learning strategy.

The integration of cognitive apprenticeship and collaborative learning strategies brings FD students significantly better problem-solving performance, while demonstrating the personal traits of Field Dependent students. The result also reveals that the FI students demonstrated better problem-solving ability, while considering the personal trait of Field Independent learners. The integration of the cognitive apprenticeship model and collaborative learning theory could promote FD students’ high-order thinking, cognitive skills and oral presentation abilities. The study concludes that the integration of cognitive apprenticeship and collaborative learning mechanisms within online inquiry-based learning environments has great potential in promoting FD students’ problem-solving abilities and learning attitude toward social science through the assistance of FI students.

--Fulya 22:46, 24 November 2014 (UTC)

An Investigation of an Open-Source Software Development Environment in a Software Engineering Course - Xun Ge, Kun Huang, Yifei Dong

This is about a study done in order to investigate project based learning in a software engineering course by using an open source software development learning environment. This features authentic projects, learning community, cognitive apprenticeship and technology affordances. The study demonstrated key interplays between project authenticity and learner characteristics.

The authentic nature of the OSSD environment stimulated the students’ interest and kept them persistent in their pursuit of the projects. Not every individual was able to embrace the new learning culture, as they are too used to the traditional teaching style. Some students were concerned about the fact that they would have to complete a real-world project within a course. Being situated in the school system and classroom context, the OSSD learning environment was distinctively different from the OSSD community of practice. Time would become a constraint.

It was found that cross-team interactions were minimal in terms of user testing and providing feedback to each other. The purpose of interacting with the other teams was rather to obtain relevant information that could benefit their own project. The pair programming principle was used in one team. This method maximizes and develops their personal learning experience. Other teams separated themselves by having people work on tasks based on their strengths while the leaders worked on the large portions. This results with less learning and uneven task distribution.

The professor met with each of the teams, listened to their reports on the project status, addressed their concerns, and helped some individuals to find a role in the team. The feedback and encouragement given by the mentor was regarded positively by the teams. Some students saw the professor like a boss and found not having a “progress track” for the course to be ineffective. If students considered themselves as learners preparing for a future career or as software developers, then they would recognize the professor’s role as a mentor and appreciate his feedback and guidance.

With the open source software development collaboration system, it was found that the students only used a small portion of the system, mainly the source code repository. Most of the students felt that the repository was very useful because they could save all the source codes and documents in one place without worrying about the possible fi le loss. Some students valued the opportunity to learn and use the system. Some students found the system “pointless” and believed they were forced to use it because the professor required them to. Also, some were not motivated enough to learn how to use the system.

The findings confirmed the benefits of an OSSD learning environment, which gave the students opportunities to collaborate on real-world projects, interact with real clients, and use technology tools to develop software solutions. It also helped motivate the students to develop their software engineering skills, which would enable them to become creative problem solvers, reflective thinkers, and strategic leaders in their future careers. There were also complexities and challenges in this environment. This study showed that there was a gap between the ideals and the reality in the process. In a classroom environment, there is the restriction of semester structure, the organization curriculum and courses, students concerned about getting grades, and the needs for learners to obtain all aspects of learning experiences through rotating roles and tasks instead of dividing up tasks based on individuals’ strengths.

This study shows that implementing a community of practice in a classroom setting is a complex enterprise. Learner characteristics must be taken into account when making effort to motivate and scaffold learners. The findings indicate that the practice doesn’t automatically address motivation issues. The efforts must be made to communicate the expectations of the OSSD learning environments to students, help them understand those expectations, and strategically manage and align their perceptions with the goals of a project-based learning environment.

--Fulya 22:46, 24 November 2014 (UTC)

Cognitive Apprenticeship in Computer-Mediated Feedback: Creating A Classroom Engironment To Increase Feedback and Learning - Erica C. Boling and Jeanine Beatty

Feedback is crucial for improving student learning. Electronic communication presents advantages over face to face communication. Students can communicate from anywhere at any time. It can also promote more and equal participation. This can also enhance student learning and support the development of peer response groups that strengthen students’ writing. Feedback that teacher and students provide through their online discussions influence the amount of feedback students gave and received. Also, engaging in online feedback prompt students to provide constructive criticism. There are four dimensions that constitute any learning environment. These are content, method, sequencing and sociology.

--Fulya 03:46, 5 December 2014 (UTC)

Cognitive Apprenticeship-based Object-oriented Software Engineering Education Support Environment - Atsuo Hazeyama, Yoshihide Ogame, and Masato Miura

Software development involves collaborative work. Software Engineering courses involve both lectures and exercises. Modeling is done through an instructor giving lectures and students acquiring the knowledge. Coaching is done through peers referring to the artifacts created by other members and communication channel among developers and the teaching staff. Scaffolding is done through process monitoring support, information sharing, inspection process support and communication support. Articulation is done by describing the DR for elements of UML diagrams. Three tools are aimed at supporting cognitive apprenticeship learning. There are expert problem solving tracks, a library of model patterns and assistance to encourage reflection.

--Fulya 23:21, 29 November 2014 (UTC)

Computer Science Apprenticeship: Creating Support for Intermediate Computer Science Students - Amnon Shabo, Mark Guzdial, and John Stasko

Cognitive apprenticeship can be applied for intermediate Computer Science students with four approaches: A collection of resources called Interactive Notes, A computer supported collaborative learning tool, CaMILE, A case library and Problem solving activities supported by various scaffolding features such as annotated links to the case library and relevant notes pages. There is an ongoing research to develop a cognitive apprenticeship approach to addressing the needs of intermediate computer science students.

--Fulya 23:21, 29 November 2014 (UTC)

Constructivist Approaches for Teaching Computer Programming - Tom Wulf

This article talks about constructivist pedagogy and contrasts it with traditional objectivist pedagogy. Constructivism is a student-centered pedagogy typified by experiential discovery learning through exploration. Objectivism is a traditional teacher-centric pedagogy. Constructivist approaches are better suited for accomplishing deeper level of understanding and the ability to flexibly apply knowledge. Students have a preference for instructional material presented in a particular somatic style. All instruction should be multi-modal in order to engage learners with each of the style preferences. Combining multiple somatic modalities when presenting content creates more effective communication and learning. One form of constructivist pedagogy is the cognitive apprenticeship which models the process by which an apprentice in a craft would achieve mastery of their subject area. Since cognitive apprenticeship involves the teacher being a guide on the side lines, sometimes students believe that the teacher didn’t teach them anything.

--Fulya 23:21, 29 November 2014 (UTC)

Educational Models and Open Source: Resisting the Proprietary University - Brenton D. Faber

The development process, and in the ways these disparate groups work together to create software, makes it so that open source can be seen to provide an educational model. The two issues in open source development are motivation to innovate and coordinating the open source development process. Studies have suggested that open source developers are motivated to produce software because of the way the process builds technologically superior software, generates collective wealth, and provides social benefits in the forms of altruism, reputation, ideology, and enjoyment. Discussions of coordination in open source projects have led to conflicting interpretations of the process. Some scholars have stressed the use of highly structured governance models, and strong leadership, which includes vision and delegation, others reported parallel development by loosely organized participants and a lack of team work and project sharing in the development phase but extensive peer review and modification after publication.

Open source is project and problem based. Developers work on projects that interest them and by working on these projects, they learn correlative knowledge, skills and aptitudes. This also applies in an educational classroom. Open source model introduces students to projects in mid-stream and forces students to acknowledge and work with existing materials, ideas and attempted solutions. This way, students would be able to learn from what is already accomplished and continue solving the problem in hand. Open source classroom would reward students for risk taking, for being inquisitive, and for trying to find new ways to solve problems. Open source classroom would extend projects which would build in tools for handing each project over to a new group that will be taking the class. This would improve students’ documentation skills and give more meaning to their work. Testing is a vital part of open source classrooms since they address real world problems. This would increase a student’s technical communications. Open source classroom also involves feedback, revision, suggestions and release processes. Collaborative development is a necessary consequence of open source model. Open source classroom would also help improve students’ ability to build from failure.

The vision of the proprietary university correlates with the rationalist perspective Feenberg articulates. This replaces collaborative research with copyright and disclosure restrictions. It replaces collaborative teaching with standardized testing. It also replaces experiential education, discovery, and innovation, with reproduced content, static displays, and buried technology -- answers that do not reveal their questions, solutions that do not show their methods. The whole deal ends up with students trying to be a part of the system. This model isolates students from collaborative experiences and from the collaborative nature of knowledge creation. It teaches students that knowledge can be created and innovation can be sparked by solitary thinkers working independently from each other in mutually exclusive, secret, and restricted environments. When most academics critique this model, they confuse corporate with proprietary. Open source educational model can build relationships between corporate and academic interests in ways that can benefit both contexts. The open-ended nature of open source problems nicely accommodates such partnerships and the collaborative nature of the open source process invites input from both academic and practitioner settings. As an educational model, open source provides a unique way to provide students with meaningful and motivational educational projects. It also provides students and faculty with a key way to recover the collaborative nature of knowledge creation.

--Fulya 23:21, 29 November 2014 (UTC)

Extreme Apprenticeship Method in Teaching Programming for Beginners - Arto Vihavainen, Matti Paksula and Matti Luukkainen

Studious shown that both the motivation and the comfort level of students have a remarkable effect on learning and cognitive apprenticeship can boost both of these. This article considers cognitive apprenticeship divided into three stages: modeling, scaffolding and fading. Fading is when the student starts to master a task by themselves. Programming exercises need to be increased to get better results from students. These exercises can be a learning instrument, increase comfort levels and motivate the students. Pair programming is a huge deal in cognitive apprenticeship since code is written under constant review and feedback. The important values are: Learning by doing, continuous feedback, no compromising, and making the apprentice become a master. These are the values that should be applied in actual courses: Avoiding tons of preaching, relevant examples, starting early, the availability of help, small goals, exercises, train the routine, clean guidelines and encouragement to look for information. In the end of the experiment done through cognitive apprenticeship, the percentage of students in introduction to programming that passed the course was higher than usual. Extreme apprenticeship brought clear benefits. The results are also similar for the advanced programming course. The Extreme Apprenticeship presented in this paper pro- vides a good structure for teaching skills that require building routine and learning best practices from the masters. Emphasizing scaffolding in combination with the set of values and practices yields very promising results. Taking continuous feedback and scaffolding to an extreme level provides enough support to also help some of the inefficient novice. The student feedback indicated that learning by doing was considered motivating and rewarding.

--Fulya 23:21, 29 November 2014 (UTC)

SmallTalker: A Cognitive Apprenticeship Multimedia Environment for Learning Smalltalk Programming - Yam San Chee

SmallTalker is a Mac based multimedia learning environment for Smalltalk programming. This environment supports both concept learning and skill acquisition. SmallTalker has been designed and implemented teaching methods of cognitive apprenticeship. Smalltalker fulfills the role of instruction presenter and coach. Students have found this environment user friendly and supportive of their learning needs.

--Fulya 03:46, 5 December 2014 (UTC)

Annotated Bibliography

This page contains an annotated bibliography of relevant articles. Each article should include full bibliographic listing and a 3-5 sentence description of what the article contains. Please keep in alphabetic order by first author last name. We will break into subgroups as needed.

Databases and Search Terms

Personal tools