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--Claudia 18:00, 16 September 2014 (UTC)
Article : Make up Meeting with Mallory Chua

Cognitive Apprenticeship
6:00pm – 7:00pm

  • Framework of Qualitative Research
  • Understanding Data
  • Learning how to see what happens
  • How is framework happening in Data
    • Our big question: How do students and mentors interact with each other using open source?

    • Qualitative Analysis: Cognitive Apprenticeship Codebook
  • Modeling
  • Articulation
  • Scaffolding
  • Coaching (Feedback)
  • Reflection (Compares performance to performance of an expert)

  • We also went over a coding example activity. We went through line by line and identified parts of the code as one of the cognitive apprenticeship codes.

--Claudia 17:30, 7 September 2014 (UTC)
Article : A Cognitive Apprenticeship: Teaching the craft of reading, writing, and mathematics

Cognitive Apprenticeship
5:30pm – 6:47pm

Allan Collins, BBN Laboratories, John Seely Brown, Susan E. Newman

To Do: Read and Summarize article

1. Schooling and Apprenticeship

  • Schools would like to teach students how to become experts at certain things but they are not presenting them with the right tools to become experts at things such as writing, reading, and mathematics.
  • The Problem: The problem is that too little attention is being paid to the process of how experts become experts.
  • The Result: Analyzation, conceptual, and problem solving skills decrease in schools, and these skills remain largely inert. The knowledge also becomes bound to surface features as they appear in textbooks. Meaning students learn how to do things based off memorization and not based off of knowledge.
  • What needs to happen: In order to make a difference in enhancing student skills, they need to understand both the nature of expert practice and the devise methods that apprenticeship utilizes.
  • Apprenticeship: Apprenticeship highlights methods for carrying out tasks in a domain.
    ** Observation = Modeling
    ** Coaching     = Coaching
    ** Practice       =  Fading 
    • Conceptual Models are important to apprenticeship

1. Conceptual models provide learners with a model for their initial attempt to execute.
2. Conceptual models provide a structure for making sense of feedback, hints, and corrections.
3. Conceptual models provide a guide for independent practice by successive approximanation.

    • Traditional Apprenticeships = Evolves
    • 1. External carrying out process, making resources available for both student and teacher obersvation
    • 2. Bears relatively concrete products one the outcome of the skill
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